10-Minute Mat Pilates II
Trainer: Shantani Moore
Duration: 10 min
Equipment: none required
Difficulty: Easy
Shantani guides you through a Pilates routine focused on abs and glutes. You'll start with a series of core exercises, followed by isolated glute work.
Up Next in Bodyweight
15-Minute Easy Walk Workout
Trainer: Jada Kelly
Duration: 15 min
Equipment: none required
Difficulty: Easy
Closed Captions: English
—Jada Kelly guides you through a quick & easy, low-impact walking workout, helping you get your daily steps in while moving to the beat! She also adds some fun moves for a litt...
10-Minute Mat Pilates I
Trainer: Amy Kiser Schemper
Duration: 10 min
Equipment: none required
Difficulty: Easy / Medium
—Amy brings you a quick mat-pilates routine. You'll move through a series of core-focused exercises that will you feeling longer, taller and stronger!
20-Minute Yoga Flow | Forward Folds &...
Trainer: Vinnie Salemno
Duration: 20 min
Equipment: none required
Difficulty: Medium / Advanced
—Vinnie Salemno leads you through a challenging yoga practice where you'll focus on forward folds and deep twists.