20-Minute Power Walk
Trainer: Amy Kiser Schemper
Duration: 20 min
Equipment: none required
Difficulty: Medium
Closed Captions: English
Amy guides you through a low-impact power walk workout, helping you get your daily steps in while moving to the beat! She also adds some fun moves and upper body work for an added calorie burn!
Up Next in Cardio
15-Minute Easy Walk Workout
Trainer: Jada Kelly
Duration: 15 min
Equipment: none required
Difficulty: Easy
Closed Captions: English
—Jada Kelly guides you through a quick & easy, low-impact walking workout, helping you get your daily steps in while moving to the beat! She also adds some fun moves for a litt...
10-Minute Intermediate Walking Workout
Trainer: Amy Kiser Schemper
Duration: 10 min
Equipment: none required
Difficulty: Medium
Closed Captions: English
—Amy leads you through an intermediate level, low-impact walking workout, helping you get your daily steps in while moving to the beat! She also throws in some fun mo...
10-Minute Advanced Power Walk
Trainer: Jada Kelly
Duration: 10 min
Equipment: none required
Difficulty: Medium/Advanced
Closed Captions: English
—Jada Kelly guides you through an advanced-level, low-impact walking workout, helping you get your daily steps in while moving to the beat! She also adds some fun ae...